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Property lettings management service Nature Holiday's


In order to cater to owners’ varying needs and to give you the freedom to use your holiday home as you see fit, Nature Holiday’s can offer you 3 property lettings management solutions.
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Contract for letting on a regular basis

You entrust us with the letting out of your property for a minimum duration of 5 years.

  • You will retain a number of weeks in the year for your own personal use.
  • Invoices to tenants will be drawn up by us on your behalf. We will retain a percentage of the rent charged as our fee.

We will take care of every aspect of the letting,from marketing your property to invoicing and the inventory of fixtures.

  • You may be able to benefit from tax relief schemes such as the LMNP and LMP.
  • Vous avez la possibilité de constater l’amortissement de votre bien et de récupérer la TVA sur l’achat de cottage et du terrain, et la possibilité de déduire l’ensemble de vos revenus locatifs.
  • Afin de simplifier vos démarches administratives et de bénéficier d’un accompagnement fiscal et comptable vous pouvez souscrire à l’offre « Kit Serenity » package !

Pour d’avantage de précisions nous vous remettrons à votre demande une note explicative sur les différents régimes fiscaux ainsi qu’un exemple de contrat de Location Habituelle et l’offre « Kit Serenity ».

Picto nature holidays

Contract for letting on an occasional basis

We will look after the letting of your property for a few weeks or months.You will retain a number of weeks in the year for your own personal use.

Invoices to tenants will be drawn up by us on your behalf. We will retain a percentage of the rent charged as our fee.

We will take care of every aspect of the letting, from marketing your property to invoicing and the inventory of fixtures.

  • Vous pouvez bénéficier d’avantages fiscaux et être assujetti à la TVA (sous certaines conditions).

If you need more information, we’ll send you an example of the contract for letting on an occasional basis

Picto nature holidays

Contract for Housekeeping services

You entrust us with managing your property in preparation for it being let out on an occasional basis.

We will take care of:

  • Welcoming your tenants and performing the check-in and check-out inventories, giving tenants the keys to the property and picking these keys up at the end of the stay, managing the security deposit.
  • This service will be charged at a flat rate.

If you need more information, we’ll send you an example of a contract for the provision of services.

*Non-professional or professional furnished rental company, subject to changes in tax laws in force.
