
Our engagements

Sustainably responsible

There is no love, there is only evidence of love. The same is true of corporate social responsibility. Beyond words and good intentions, the Nature & Résidence Group is involved on a daily basis to give substance to its principles. Respect for the environment, proximity to local stakeholders, the well-being of employees, equality between women and men, the esteem of partners... So many values that cannot be decreed, but built day by day, in complete transparency, based on a precise diagnosis capable of identifying strengths, weaknesses and room for improvement.

A full-fledged player in social and environmental transformation, the Nature & Résidence Group is now giving itself the means to define a proactive strategy as close as possible to the territories, a demanding roadmap and new practices that meet the challenges. A naturally and sustainably responsible ambition, shared by all teams, in the service of a more united, fairer, greener society... In short, more human!

Luis DO SOUTO, director

A social responsibility

Nature & Résidence is a daily commitment to CSR. Every year, we organize a seminar to bring together everyone's ideas. We also work with specialists to bring these projects to fruition and make them long-term.

A commitment to the environment

Our goal: a neutral carbon footprint! To do this, we strive every day to make small gestures, which taken together make big differences. 


A taste for others, team spirit, mutual aid beyond differences, across continents... These values are the cement of a more united, more fraternal society. They are also those of the Nature & Résidence Group which support several associations which share these values with us.  

A social responsibility

Responsible until the end

The Saubrigues Residential Park project in the Landes was selected by Nature & Résidence to serve as an open-air experimental laboratory. E6 Consulting delivered an extremely detailed diagnosis of the situation, and recommendations aimed at significantly improving the carbon footprint of the park:

  • The impact of construction
  • Upcoming travel for seasonal workers
  • Emissions associated with change in land use
  • Energy consumption of occupants
  • Energy and environmental performance
  • Analysis of construction products
  • Cooling capacity analysis (ICU score)
  • Analysis of soil permeability or plant sequestration over 50 years

Even if we suspected it, it is a real source of satisfaction for us. The study also has the immense advantage of precisely identifying our weaknesses. We now intend to take advantage of the proposals made by the experts at E6 Consulting to develop our programs, by setting ourselves three objectives: avoid unnecessary carbon emissions, reduce our impact where possible and initiate a strategy of ambitious compensation allowing each of our projects to achieve carbon neutrality in the short term, then register in time. 

A commitment to the environment

Carbon neutrality

Among its objectives, Nature & Résidence wishes to reduce the carbon footprint of each of its new Residential Leisure Park (PRL) projects to zero. To achieve this particularly audacious objective, the group calls on E6 Consulting, a Bordeaux company specializing in supporting the energy and environmental transition of companies.


Nature & Résidence Groupe is at their side...

A taste for others, team spirit, mutual aid beyond differences, across continents... These values are the cement of a more united, more fraternal society. And above all more human. These are also those of the Nature & Résidence Group since its creation. These convictions consolidate its strategic project, give meaning to its actions, and make it grow.

Sourires d’Ailleurs

The association Smiles from Elsewhere achieves great things by gathering medical and school equipment which she then brings directly to Africa or Madagascar. The Landes association combines human and professional skills such as logistics, health and legal.

Over the past ten years, Sourires d’Ailleurs carried out several missions in the regions of Rufisque and Casamance in Senegal, primarily targeting villages forgotten by NGOs. The association currently operates in the Antsirabé region of Madagascar. Here, in the Malagasy highlands, in close collaboration with the associations and volunteers present on site, Sourires d’Ailleurs participated in the expansion of the Belazao dispensary, supports the Iavonarivo school and sponsors around thirty orphaned children to give them access to education.

“Please note: For each cottage delivered, Nature & Résidence Village pays a contribution to Smiles from elsewhere »

« We created Smiles from Elsewhere in February 2010 based on a common motivation: to help, share and exchange culturally and humanly. We simply want the residents we help to live better with what they have, without changing their culture. »

Valérie Ducasse, Présidente de Smiles from Elsewhere.


Hope Team East

Affiliated with the Leo Lagrange federation, Hope Team East (as an optimist) supports people with chronic illness through sport, during the treatment phases and after the illness. The support is personalized and adapted according to the desires and abilities of each person. Hope Team East mainly carries out its actions in the departments of Landes and Pyrénées Atlantiques.

Created in 2015 in Capbreton (40) on the initiative of Alexandra Amand le Mouel and Stéphanie Geyer Barneix – former high-level swimmer and extreme sportswoman, diagnosed in 2004 with breast cancer –, the association is made up of experts in physical, mental activity and health. The “optimistic” team helps each participant to prepare and carry out a motivating sporting challenge during the year: climbing the Rhune, paddle board crossing from Seignosse to Hossegor, 2000 km of walking over 10 months, etc.

“Please note: For each cottage delivered, Nature & Résidence Village pays a contribution to Hope Team East. »

« Sport allows you to regain physical and mental fitness, to benefit from the recognized benefits on quality of life, fatigue and pain. Our project is built on strong values: kindness, optimism, respect and dynamism. »

Stéphanie Geyer Barneix, President of the association Hope Team East.
