
Why does energy renovation of homes look dull?

MaPrimeRénov, the new prime to the energy renovation of the housing is developing at a slower rate than what was planned according to the agency responsible for distributing it. In fact, it attracted far fewer than 50,000 French households. The National Housing Agency (Anah) affirmed that 47,775 applications have been submitted since the start of 2020. Since that time, the households have benefited of the first aid for everyone work completed.

It should be noted that the bonus in question was restored to replace the old tax credit system, in order to attract households. The aim of this approach is to encourage households to recover the money and not to wait several weeks after the work is completed. But still, the result was lower than the government's expectation, i.e. 200,000 bonuses since January 2020.

In the meantime, the Cofidis / CSA Research survey demonstrates that French households are interested in works of renovation, beautification and maintenance of their property. Three-quarters of households surveyed in works of renovation and the rest did so in less than two years. More of the half of the French interviewed argued that they undertake of the works by December 2021. In this survey, 86% are owners, 78% are retirees and CSPs, people aged 25 to 34, are the heart of this demand. According to the Marketing Director of Cofidis, Mr. Mathieu Escarpit, French households realize their desires of realize of the renovations despite the economic crisis and the lockdown.

In terms of budget, the amount envisaged for the works is estimated at 9,550 euros. It should be noted that this price varies in function the social categories. Retirees will benefit around 9,480 euros. Intermediate people will have 10,100 euros. Young people aged 18 to 24, for their part, will only benefit from 6,400 euros. Still, some of them will only allocate 1,000 euros. THE lack of budget is the main pitfall at the CSP according to 1/3 of the French population according to Cofidis. In order to finance their works, they put money aside, while some (including the youngest) go resort at credit. Very few French people think of calling on devices help public. “Ma Prime Rénov’” new communication campaign will be responsible for informing and to raise awareness the French to be interested in it.


