
The reactions of SPCIs to teleworking

While the government and the social partners cogitate for the development of new rules of telework for 2021, the expert in SCPI Perial AM and Ipsos carried out a survey among French employees about their expectations and their news habits of work during periods of lockdown and of unconfinement. So here are the results.

Les réactions des SPCI face au télétravail

According to studies carried out among French workers, 60% of them believe that telework never will evolve that of complementary way at work on site. In addition, most employees want the office to remain at the center of the work organization, with a period of 2 days of teleworking per week. Only 15% of employees would like to keep the pace of teleworking, namely 4 to 5 days per week.

In order to carry out various professional tasks and of to favor the production with a teamwork, 82% of employees prefer to go to the office, instead of working from home. (79% to resolve an urgent professional problem, and 77% to seek help from colleagues or ask them for information).

For the majority of people who working on site, it is essential that the works or the arrangements are carried out on the place of work, in common areas (57%), places of exchange (54%), work equipment (53%) and in their workstation (51%). Thanks to these installations, the main objective is to promote better compliance with health measures (58%), but also to offer maximum conviviality (57%).

In the event that the gloom would take over, priority is to ensure the respect of the measures of social distancing, all in supporting the link and trades between the employees. This is, here, an important expectation which is not necessarily paradoxical. The results of the survey clearly demonstrate the change which is being done at the level of tertiary sector and which was precipitated by the current crisis.

Moreover, this situation attests to the PERIAL Asset Management conviction: if we go through a generalization of telework, the office remains irreplaceable and remains at the center of the organization of work, whether today or tomorrow. Furthermore, the attachment of workers to security to services attached to it is getting stronger and stronger. According to the Deputy Managing Director of PERIAL Asset Management, Loïc Hervé, “ structural revolutions strong efforts have been at work for several years on the market of the offices (geographic, temporality of uses, intrinsic quality of the buildings, integration of ESG criteria) and this trend is accelerating ".
